Thursday 14 January 2016

Modelling Process


To model Envy I first created an armature from wire (that I forgot to photograph). I then wrapped it in tinfoil to a basic shape of the character. I then covered the tinfoil armature in Sculpty and moulded it, and I put two indents in the head for the eyes to slot in.

I will then model more detail into it to bring it to life before using it to cast the actual character in silicone around the brass armature. I will model the tail separately to make it easier to cast.

Human heads
While modelling the human heads out of sculpy I used the eye beads to mack sockets that the eyes will be placed in and sculpted around once they are sculpted with more detail. 

The whole modelling prosses is a lot more time consuming than I first thought it would be as you first have to spend time making the armature then while modelling you have to cook the model in the oven to set it then leave it to cool down before carrying on modelling.

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