Thursday 14 January 2016

Human Side Characters Development

This character will be followed by the demon of Sloth. Because of the camera shots while animating this character we will never see the front of him, therefore I wont have to sculpt and cast anything but the shoes as the hoodie and trousers will be made from fabric.

The shop keeper will be in a shirt and tie and will stand behind the counter so wont need legs making. I also wont need to make eyes for him as his glasses will be made from sculpty. He will Be a greedy character that the boy sees stealing money from the shop till through the window once he has left the shop.

The Mother character was going to be shadowed by the demon of pride and arguing with her son (the character below). But as the story has developed she will now be on her phone in the garden where we will see her taking selfies, and ignoring her son to show that social media can cause vanity in some people and be used as a false sense of pride.

The young boy was originally going to have the demon of anger and be arguing with his mother and lashing out at her; but after developing his appearance I felt that he suited gluttony better, so when changing the story to reduce the amount of characters I also changed his demon. He will now be playing on the swing and being pushed by an exhausted gluttony demon to show you can have fun while fighting your demons, this will also be the moment of the story that the main character realises he can fight his demon and stop it taking control.

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