Thursday, 14 January 2016

3D Models of Assets

I collaborated with a 3D modeller I know from a different university (Sarah Walsh) to create the assets that would be 3D printed for my set. Sarah is studying Computer Games Art and is an aspiring asset modeller and eventually an environment artist. They created the assets on Maya and sent me these screenshots to show the work. The assets have been made hollow so that it will cost less to 3D print as it will already add up to a lot. The swing is in two parts and the actual swing rope part has been made into a hook so when animating I can have it actually swinging by putting it into fixed positions to resemble a swinging motion when my stop motion is put together.

I also collaborated with another 3D modeller Charlie Crawford (who studies on the CDME course here) as Sarah had her own course work to do and didn't know if she would have time to do all the assets. Charlie modelled the till below.

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